Build the Block 2024
The ‘Build on the Block’ jam at Cal Anderson Park in Seattle is an annual event where skateshops from around the region build brand new obstacles to donate to ‘The Courts’ for the upcoming year. This year’s obstacles were completely different than last year, and there wasn’t a ledge in sight (lowkey we need one though). The jam kicked off with a series of 3 contests catering to skaters of all levels - beginner, intermediate, and advanced. The event then transitioned into a mellow shop crew battle on the new obstacles from Black Market, By and By, Location, The Method, Pops, and 35th (35th Ave & North combined). The 35th crew took first place as the combined squad was going off, with the MVP Caden Smith putting an insane amount of points on the board.

The grand finale of the day was The Method’s kicker to kicker gap that began at a modest size to start and ended up over 16 feet at its furthest. Many senders sent it, but as the gap widened bit by bit, Tom Brittain emerged victorious as the sole skater able to clear the massive gap. Phil Hansen deserves a shout out as well here, because he was right there jumping with Tom ‘till the very end. Overall the day was filled with good vibes, great skating and now The Courts have some new obstacles for the next year, so go skate ‘em.