KINGTOM - A Tom Peha Story

Alex Cooper is the creator of tons of NW skate videos we love like Peace Off, Slime Dunk, Orca Card, to name just a few, but his latest release ‘KINGTOM’ showcases a whole new side of his filmmaking. The new documentary tells the story of northwest skateboarder Tom Peha, and how he managed to get a clip on the Kingdom before its demolition. The narrative is spun expertly through the voices of familiar NW (and abroad) faces like Marshall Reid, Dave Waite, Kyle Minahan, Tony Croghan and many many more. To make sure I don’t spoil anything for you, I’m just going to keep this one short and say go watch this shit! Oh, and if you haven’t already read our Under Exposed interview with Alex Cooper, go give it read.


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