Pops Skateshop’s Welcome to Everett

Any time we’ve gone up north over the past few years, we’ve always stopped in to Pop’s skateshop to say hey. The vibes are always good and the crew has always been super welcoming. In fact, on our last filming trip up north we popped in to kick it and got to hang with Justin Duong, the wrap god, who has the opening part in Pop’s new video ‘Welcome to Everett’ that just dropped this week.

Coming at just over 34 minutes, ‘Welcome to Everett’ features the crew skating much more than the just the city they call home. They venture all over the NW from Tacoma to Bellingham, and even makes a trip to SF while filming for the video. We get full parts from Justin Duong, Austin Fischer, Taylor Clark, Yvette Wasserman, Timmy Saeparn, Daniel Ramirez, Charlie Krieg, Jefferson Elliot and Jon Drinkard. The film runs 34 mintues and was put together by Jefferson Elliot, who beyond the editing, is also a really talented artist who created the animations throughout the edit. Enjoy!


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